Authors to Explore in 2024

New year, new books to be read. Here are a few suggestions.

  • G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) . I’ve heard many amazing people say Chesterton rearranged their brain. That was my experience as well. Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man will be more timely in 2024 than perhaps they were when they were written. Eugenics and Other Evils — also timely.  If you are looking for an easy read, try the recently published Orthodoxy: An American Translation. It is an edited version of Chesterton’s greatest work updated for today’s general reading audience. To explore Chesterton’s fiction, non-fiction, poetry, essays, and other writings, the website of The Gilbert Keith Chesterton Society has all the tools you need.


  • Tacitus (c. AD 56-c. 120) . Tacitus was one of the greatest of the ancient historians, and we are fortunate so much of his work survived. His histories of Augustus and later emperors can’t fail to fascinate: the stories are exciting, full of political intrigue, excesses of every kind, and unlikely twists of fate, made all the more amazing because, of course, they actually happened. The work of Tacitus also shows us how little we have changed in terms of behavior, but how vastly we have strayed from the moral and ethical foundations that made our culture great.


  • Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

    Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979). The Archbishop was a profoundly gifted theologian, evangelist, orator, preacher, writer, and political and social commentator. His radio and TV shows were among the most popular of his day, if you can believe that. Any of Archbishop Sheen’s books is as timely as timely can be and will shed great light on critically important theological, moral, and spiritual questions that are gnawing at you right now. And although the Archbishop was a deep thinker, he writes and speaks simply and straightforwardly, enabling anyone to understand and be moved and motivated by his words.

Happy New Year!