Lenten Reflection 26, More about Humor

Here is a little reflection for you. Watch the short video below, and then ask, How did I react to this, and what does my reaction reveal about by myself? 

Then continue reading this post.

What is funny about seeing someone get slapped or punched or kicked? I’ve been watching The Three Stooges for 60+ years and they still crack me up. But why?

Not everyone likes the Stooges brand of humor. My mother hated them — we probably wouldn’t have been allowed to watch them if our father had not been one of their biggest fans. But to me, their slapstick is hilarious for a number of reasons. I will make a feeble attempt to put it into words.

First, the antics of the Stooges are so ridiculous, so inappropriate for the occasion, and so unexpected that the contrast between what they do and what any normal people would do gives me the sensation of a child discovering something totally unexpected and exciting, something that transports him to a new and exciting plane of experience. That sensation brings joy to a part of my being that does not really or wholly seem to reside in my mind. The sensation makes me laugh. It is the quality of surprise rather than violence that delights me.

Second, I would argue the Stooges teach some valuable lessons. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t take the things of this world too seriously. Don’t be in awe of the rich and powerful, for they are just as dunderheaded as we are. Beware of fascists, because they are evil. Don’t rely too much on your own abilities, because you have serious limitations.

Third and less philosophically, some people are naturally funny. Curly Howard is definitely one of those people. Although in real life Curly was shy and had much sadness in his life, he was naturally funny. He could read the phone book and people would laugh. His movements and gestures are unique. The inflection of his voice is offbeat and highly expressive. His speech is riddled with puns and absurdities.

Speaking of naturally funny, here is a modern-day Curly trying not to be funny:

Many people do not find the Stooges or Seinfeld funny at all. Perhaps it is because the unreality of their comedy makes them feel uncomfortable. In the case of the Stooges, many object to and find no humor in the violence; for them, there is no context in which violence can be considered funny. Fair enough. There are some types of humor that I don’t “get.” There are some types of humor, especially of the profanity-laced variety, that I don’t try to get. Just for the record, the Stooges could be and frequently were funny without resorting to violent. For instance, here is Curly learning Pig Latin with only one face-slap involved:

People vary widely in what they consider funny. This is a real contrast to drama. In drama, people find the same situations and characters sad or tragic. Opinions vary widely about the humor of the Curly Howard, but everybody agrees that Macbeth is a hot mess. God has so designed us that we universally feel each other’s pain, but only get each other’s jokes when we’re in the same solar system.

This is why it is such a blessing to have friends with a shared sense of humor; it’s not something you can count on. And on the flip side, it is quite difficult indeed to build a deep friendship where that shared sense of humor is lacking.


Humor provides entertainment. Are my choices of entertainment enriching or diminishing me?

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