

Detachment is a difficult skill to master. For the most part, our thoughts are intertwined with our emotions. In fact, our feelings and thoughts are such a tangle that most of us are at a loss to know on what…

Balanced News Sources

Balanced News Sources

An Unpopular Culture Survival Guide that Needs Your Help One of the big problems I’ve encountered since exiting social media is not knowing what’s going on in the world. Based on the theory that it’s better to be uninformed than…

World’s Hardest Vocabulary Test

World’s Hardest Vocabulary Test

These are 67 words I’ve had to stop and look up while I was reading. Many of them should be used far more often in everyday conversation. How many do you know? Adumbrate Algid Antediluvian Aplomb Autarky Avuncular Bathos Blandish…