My exploration of great music, both sacred and secular, has been incredibly exciting — a beautiful new world of sounds, ideas and emotions that grows wider and deeper by the day. If you are interested in learning more about great…
(Note: At the end of this post are listening recommendations I’ll be updating periodically. Last updated September 30, 2019)) About six weeks ago I decided to abandon rock and roll music and listen to nothing but classical music for the…
Thomas Storck writes with great clarity, and is able to make extremely complicated topics understandable to the average reader. In his collection of essays, From Christendom to Americanism and Beyond, he takes on one of the most complicated topics imaginable,…
Looking for a band name? These original, unused band name and/or song titles are hot off the press and here for the taking. If you think my unused band name ideas are silly, then perhaps you haven’t heard of 1910…
You can’t spend 10 seconds on social media without coming across a post along the lines of, “So-and-so did such-and-such, and I am so outraged!” Public shaming occurs with similar frequency on our so-called news outlets, where the most popular…