The Habit of Being – The Letters of Flannery O’Connor, Selected and Edited by Sally Fitzgerald. Flannery O’Connor was a fascinating, complex woman. She wrote some of the best fiction ever produced by an American, and couldn’t spell worth a…
Book Review: The Complete Stories of Flannery O’Connor When I decided to read Flannery O’Connor’s short stories, I went in cold, as I often do when exploring unpopular culture. On the one hand I was eager to read O’Connor, because…
Cold Hand in Mine is a collection of eight strange stories (as the author liked to describe them) by Robert Aickman (1914-1981), first published in 1975. It is the fourth collection reviewed here, and in many ways, the best. The…
Random ramblings: politics and faith. “Political science” is a troublesome term. Can politics be reduced to a science? Scientific knowledge, as we have been reminded of lately in the healthcare field especially, has its limits. Science does not and cannot…
BOOK REVIEW The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection: Constitutions Forward by Bishop Robert Barron, with commentary by postconciliar popes. I must say this is one of the most depressing books I have ever read. First a few words about…