“Next, the devil took him into the holy city, and there set him down on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, If thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down to earth; for it is written, He has given charge to his angels concerning thee, and they will hold thee up with their hands, lest thou shouldst chance to trip on a stone. Jesus said to him, But it is further written, Thou shalt not put the Lord thy God to the proof.” (Matthew 4: 5-7)
In the desert, the devil challenges Jesus to prove he is God. The devil puts him to the test. Quite an arrogant thing to do, to demand something of God. But then again, the devil became the devil because he was arrogant.
It strikes me that when we get mad at God for not answering our prayers in the way we want them answered at the time we want them answered, we are acting like the devil. We are putting God to the test.
Chances are pretty good — I’d say 100% — that God has a better idea of what we need and when we need it than we do. So He answers our prayers in His way in His time — not because He is indifferent or to vex us, but simply because He loves us.