Random Reflections 12

Unbelief in God is just as much a belief as belief in God. Neither can be proved beyond any doubt, although the arguments for belief are stronger.

It’s often said that everybody worships something above everything else, whether that something is God, money, power, etc. But many people drift through life not worshipping anything in particular. They shift their moral priorities based on which direction the cultural wind is blowing, their mood, or whatever is expedient at the moment.

Conspiracy theories are rampant. That’s what happens when what you hear in the news and see in the street are completely at odds.

Language should be used to unmask, but more and more is being used as a mask.

Many people think assigning blame is more important and more satisfying than solving the problem.

If people didn’t gossip it would be a lot easier to have a quiet dinner out.

2 Replies to “Random Reflections 12”

    1. It really is a shame. Seems like assigning blame has always been SOP for Congress, but it’s so much nastier now.

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